Welcome to Fern Class!
Welcome to a new year in Fern class! We are all excited to begin our learning and have some fun. This Autumn Term our project will be 'What makes a hero?' Fern class will be learning about all types of heroes (and maybe some villains) including historical heroes, such as Florence Nightingale; everyday heroes, such as doctors and firefighters and personal heroes.
Friendly reminders:
Mondays and Tuesdays - Please ensure that your child has their PE kit on Mondays and Tuesdays and that it is the school PE kit. If there are any issues surrounding this, please do get in touch.
Thursdays - Children's decodable reading books will be changed on Thursdays, so please make sure your child's previous book is in their bags ready to be swapped. It is even better if their reading book is kept in their bags as we often use these for 1:1 reading in school.
Fridays - On Friday afternoons, Ferns will enjoy time in our school's library and choose a book to enjoy at home to promote reading for pleasure. The book your child has chosen may be slightly beyond their reading ability, so we encourage these books to be shared with them by an adult at home, who can support reading the text or simply take pleasure in reading it to their child.
What makes a hero?
This is our project enquiry question, which we will explore in many exciting ways! Please read our project map below for more details of what we will be doing throughout the term.
Contact Details
This is our class email fern@st-marks.w-sussex.sch.uk.
Please feel free to email the me and I will respond as quickly as possible.
Useful websites
https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ (free to sign up)